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GKN Weekly Update 3/1/10

Happy March! (man, how many fake holidays can I come up with?)

I hope everyone has finally dug out of the snow and are looking forward to Spring, which is just a few weeks away.

Today is going to be a fun one! I have a VO audition for Qdoba (the greatest burritos EVER!!!) this afternoon in Chelsea and then I have a recording session for Oxford University Press at Full House Productions right after that.

Actually, I don’t have time write much more since I’ve got to head out soon!

TIP OF THE WEEK: I’m not perfect and you’re not perfect. All you can do is try to find the situation that is perfect for you. Specifically, your career, your friends, and your romantic relationships. It’s harder than you think but it’s what defines your life!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: All you have to do, if you want a process to stop at any moment, is to say ‘enough’. Philip Banks

STUFF!: I saw District 9 over the weekend and I thought it was pretty amazing. The irony was laid on a bit thick but I really enjoyed the story.

Have a great week!



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