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GKN Weekly Update 3/29/10

Good morning! I’m a bit slow on the upswing today. This weekend was pretty eventful. All good stuff and all fun stuff!

Last week I did voiceover spots for the Somerset and Steeplechase Cancer Centers. A big thanks to my friend and Project: TERRA partner Angelo Panetta for casting me! The fun part is that I’m going to be in these commercials with my dear colleague Amy Snively (coincidentally, the voice of Mnemosyne in Project: TERRA!). This is the third time I will be in a commercial with a friend, the others being Liz de Nesnera and Trish Basanyi. It’s a very cool feeling to hear us jabbering away for all to hear!

Here is the spot I did with Liz

And here is the one I did with Trish

TIP OF THE WEEK: Working with friends is extremely satisfying. It makes bad days better and good days great. Having positive relationships with co-workers is a major key to being happy at your job. I know not all of us are in the ideal working situation (I count my blessings every day in that regard) but having someone to laugh with (or kvetch with!) goes a long way. Find those connections at work. Cultivate them. It will make your day go a lot smoother!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (thanks, Cadden!)

STUFF!: I wrote four more pages of the Project: TERRA screenplay last week. I forgot how satisfying that feels! Is anyone else writing a play, screenplay, other other magnum opus right now? Please share!


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