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GKN Weekly Update 3/30/09

Howdy do! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I got to see my niece Asha again! She’s going to have her first birthday in a few weeks. I can’t believe it’s been an entire year!

Anyway, last week was another crazy one but things seem to be getting back to normal. Here’s the rundown…

On Monday I finished narrating “Five Thrillers”. This one was definitely my favorite to read!

On Tuesday I had a recording session for Oxford UK at Full House Productions. This time I got to narrate the test instead of play the student. Thanks to Leon Chambers for giving me the occasional grownup role! I also had a VO audition for College Board courtesy of IFM.

Wednesday I narrated “Turing’s Apples”. I had to do the whole thing with a British accent, narration and all. That was hard. That was the last one! Now all that’s left are the retakes.

Thursday I spoke at the National Broadcasting Society’s Career Focus event at their national convention in NYC. I got to talk to college students from all over the nation about the voiceover industry. It was fun! Thanks to Scott Alboum for inviting me.

Friday was an ESL recording session for ETS at Hagens Studio in Princeton. Hi Carrie!

TIP OF THE WEEK: So, I was just on the Voiceover bulletin Board and the virtue of social networking sites came up. Since they can be used as a marketing tool and that’s been our “Tip of the Week” subject as of late, I’ll wrap it up with my post on that thread:

“Social networking sites are like tools in your garage. If you go to Sears and buy a bunch of tools that you display all pretty like for the neighbors to see but you never use them, what’s the point? However, if you use them to enhance your internet presence, do some online networking to complement, not replace the real thing (cold calls, conventions, etc.), and have something of substance to say (a good blog), then they can be very powerful. The tough part is figuring out which ones to use, what you should do with each of them, and how much time should you dedicate to them. It’s different for everybody…”

In other words, joining them all but not doing anything with them doesn’t help. It’s also easy to get sucked into them and waste a lot of time. Use them to distinguish yourself, brand yourself, and become an active contributor.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: I care not much for a man’s religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it. Abraham Lincoln

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: How much time do you spend on social networking sites? Do they enhance your career or are they a time-waster?

Have a great week!



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