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GKN Weekly Update 5/11/09

Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope all you mommies out there had a great day and that you got all of the affection & gifts that you so rightfully deserve. My mom is doing the retired thing in Florida but I did get to spend time with my favorite little girl in the universe, ASHA!!! Insert gratuitous adorable pic here…

So last week I had two more recording session for ETS in Princeton and a great production meeting for the film “Transition”. What’s that you say? You’d like to hear more about the film and get involved? Well, okay…

My good friend Doug Bollinger has asked me to be the 1st Assistant Director (1st AD) for the SAG short film “Transition” which he is directing. It’s a true story about a high school lacrosse player who has beaten cancer and is trying to get his life back. It will be shot in a few locations in Central New Jersey on the following dates:

Sunday May 17 Sunday June 7 Sunday June 14 Sunday June 21

The film is fully cast but there are a few crew roles that need to be filled. They are:

* Hair/Makeup (May 17th, 7am-7pm, June 7th, 8am-8pm) * Location Sound (all dates) * Script Supervisor (all dates) * 2nd AD/Key PA (aka my assistant/extras wrangler) (all dates)

There is no pay but credit, copy, meals, and travel compensation will be provided. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested and available. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. If you can work some of the dates but not all of them for the job you’re interested in, that’s fine. Feel free to write back or call me at 973-216-3808. This is DEFINITELY a project worth being involved in.

Here’s more great news! the Radio Repertory Company of America ( had released their latest sci-fi adventure “Anne Manx and the Empress Blair Project”. I’ve listened to the first half and it’s a romp! Thanks to Angelo Panetta for casting me. Order your copy today!

TIP OF THE WEEK: So my friend Carly (mother of the world-famous Asha) recommended the book “Blink” by Malcom Gladwell to me so I started reading it. Great stuff! It’s about the power of snap-judgements and first impressions. There is also a reference to an interesting website:

Go there and take the test!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it. Rita Mae Brown

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: How often do first impressions help or hinder you? What do you do to try and make a good first impression?



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