Hi there!
I am home from hospital and everything went fine. I feel great except for when I go the bathroom but the Oxycodone is taking care of that quite nicely. I’ll be taking it easy for a couple of days. Thanks again for all the words of support!
I’ll make this quick so I can do lie down!
I had two VO gigs last week. One for Pearson Learning at Full House Productions and one for a new product called the “Pay it Forward” card via Monsoon Interactive.
I got another good review for “Mini-Masterpieces of Science Fiction” which you can check out at http://www.scifidimensions.com/Sep08/minimasterpieces.htm
If you’re on Facebook, please join my Project TERRA Group. We’re trying to build a website presence and that group is one of the many steps we’re taking to generate a buzz. Thanks!
TIP OF THE WEEK: Well, the Oxycodone just hit me so all I can say is be nice to your waiter!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “I have steak at home, why go out for hamburger?” Paul Newman when asked if he was tempted to stray
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Isn’t life grand?
Have a great week!