A few weeks ago I talked about the importance of online security. You can read that blog entry here.
Fellow voice talent and Nevadan mensch Dave Courvosier recently re-posted an article stating that Google has ten times the amount of data on you than Facebook does. You can read that article here. It makes sense. Not only does Google know all of your searches, if you use Google Maps it knows your location and travel habits. If you use other Google products like Google+ it has a bevy of other data about you.
In the aforementioned article, I clicked on all of the recommend links to check my online security and privacy levels on both Facebook and Google. It was about what I expected: probably better than most, but not as good as it could be.
How do you reconcile your level of online security and privacy with making your job and life easier? It depends on how accurate your want targeted ads to be and how worried you are about your data being harvested/stolen/sold for malicious intent. Some would say that collecting data for the purposes of advertising is malicious, but I think that’s the case only when they collect data without your consent.
Here are some of things the article recommends to improve your online security and privacy:
Do a Facebook Privacy Checkup: (desktop version) go to Facebook, click on the question mark at the top right hand of your screen, and click Privacy Checkup. I didn’t see the Privacy Checkup button on the mobile version, but you can still check your Privacy Settings there. I disconnected all of the apps I’ve used Facebook to sign in with.
Check your Google Ads Settings: https://adssettings.google.com. It shows you all of the topics Google thinks you’re interested in and they’re easy to adjust.
Check your Google Personal Info and Privacy Settings: https://myaccount.google.com/privacy. I recommend doing the Privacy Checkup. I deleted my Google+ account as well. That felt good! I never use it, anyway.
Go to Deseat: https://www.deseat.me. It checks out all of your online login connections and helps you delete them. Of course you need to use Gmail or another account to log in. Circle of life…
Sunday, April 22nd @1:30PM EST: I will be one of six teachers at the Community Teach-a-thon hosted by the VO of NYC Facebook group at Arts on Site in Manhattan. The list of teachers are:
Kristin Price Wilson- Casting (from the other side of the table.)
Tom Dheere- VO Business and Marketing
James Romick- Home Studio Building Essentials
Anna Garduno- Animation VO
Carin Gilfry- Making the Most of Auditioning and Working from Home
Gayatri Patel Bahl- Your VO website!
And it’s free to attend! Click here to learn more.
Tuesday, April 24th @7PM EST: Having trouble getting everything done? Don’t know how to organize your day? At Abacus Entertainment I will teach the seminar ‘Time Management for your VO Business’ about how to prioritize your, um, priorities! Click here to sign up.
Thursday, April 26th @8PM EST: my next Edge Studio “Marketing 201” webinar topic will be ‘Keeping Clients Coming Back’. We’ll talk about the most important (and simple) marketing technique of all! Click here to sign up.
November 9-11: MAVO is coming!

I will be one of the guest speakers and it’s going to be a blast. Be sure to get your tickets now while you still can. Learn more at MidatlanticVO.com!
Happy Eggs Benedict Day and Blah Blah Blah Day!

From my village to yours; this is Tom Dheere, The H is Silent, but I’m Not.
Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a coach at Edge Studio, voiceover business consultant known as the Voice Over Strategist, and is currently producing the comic book “Agent 1.22”.