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Are You a Player, a Watcher, or a Hater? – The GKN Weekly Update 12/23/14

Hello and Happy Visit The Zoo Day! There’s another holiday coming up, too, but the name escapes me. Something about jingles….

Over the weekend I was sitting in a cafe enjoying a Chai Latte and a peanut butter cookie (yum) when I overheard a young man talking to his mother. He’s a theater major and was telling his mother about trying to make it as an actor. The challenges, the options, etc. Some of it was grounded, some was pie-in-the-sky, but all of it had passion behind it. It reminded me of a certain someone who at his age had similar aspirations but little direction.

I approached them and introduced myself. I told him that 20 years ago I was in exactly in the same situation that he is currently in. I told him I can’t get him work and I have nothing to sell but I gave him my card, encouraged him to read my blog (specifically the “You Will Hate This Blog” entry), and to get in touch if he has any questions. They were very appreciative and I left.

Which do you think is more likely: he is reading this blog entry even as we speak, or my business card is making its way to the bottom of his backpack?

TIP OF THE WEEK: I have been speaking/teaching/coaching about the business of voiceovers for a few years now and, like in many situations, the 10/80/10 rule applies here.

10 80 10

About 10% of the people who hear me speak take it to heart and apply the lessons immediately, often with positive results. About 80% take pretty good notes and may try out a suggestion or two, but not much beyond that. The remaining 10% instantly forget everything I said and go watch that episode of “Law & Order” they were an extra in 12 years ago and wonder why the phone hasn’t rang since.

When it comes to listening, learning, and wanting to improve yourself both professionally and personally, which percentage are you? If you’re in that top 10%, you are constantly growing and moving forward both at work in in life. If you’re in that middle 80%, your progress is glacier-like. Move a little forward, move a little back and so on. If you’re in that bottom 10%, congratulations for getting out of bed and actually reading this.

Take what’s left of 2014 and honestly think about which percentage you’re in. Are you really doing what you need to do to improve your career, your relationships, your life? Take that knowledge and apply it to your 2015 Mission Statement, Annual Goals, and Monthly Action. Use 2015 to get in that top percentile!


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STUFF!: I just want to say Happy Holidays to everyone and enjoy this magical time of year!

From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…



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