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GKN Weekly Update 1/05/09


I hope everyone had a safe and fun time. I was at my friend Jim’s house and we had a blast!

My friend David Cicarelli at just released “The Report on the Voice Over Industry 2009”. You can download it here. This is a great read! It breaks down the voiceover industry in a detailed, thoughtful way and provides many fascinating statistics. David asked me to share my thoughts about 2009. So, here we go…

2009 will be a very challenging year for many of us in the voiceover industry. With our economy the way it is, many of those smaller companies that provide talents like me with that “fill in the gap” income will tighten the belt, which means less opportunities for work. What to do? It’s the same answer I always give: network, network, network! Become more active on those networking sites. Make more cold calls. Attend networking events like MCA-I or that great VO Mixer Erik & September organized last month. Search the internet for places to submit your demo. Join great sites like If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please share!

My friend Mike Root asked me to announce a charity event his store is hosting. I work & play there and this is a great cause! Please pass it along…

All In One Collectibles, located at 490 East Main St. in Denville, NJ, will host a Charity Events Weekend Jan 16th-18th, 2009 to benefit Congenital Heart Defects. We will be having tons of events for the following games: Heroclix, World of Warcraft card game and miniatures game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Format, Guitar Hero World Tour and Smash Bros Brawl. For more information, go to: There will be tons of prizes and FREE food for all participants. Come on out and play the games you love for a great cause. Contact us with any questions (973)664-0912.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Every year I like to talk about the five areas of our business that we should focus on every day. They are: Finances, Technique, Tools, Marketing, and Health. Today we’ll start with Finances…

Tax time is quickly approaching and there’s an extra layer of fun for us actors, dancers, VO talents, etc. Remember to track your mileage, tolls, parking fees, office supplies, postage, and even your PayPal fees. These are all tax deductible! Did you know you can deduct a portion of your rent if you have a home office? If any of you have tax-related questions or suggestions, please share!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Yesterday, I checked into a motel room and said to the receptionist, “I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled.” “No,” she said, “It’s regular porn, you sicko.” Don Berns

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What are your goals for 2009? Did you write them down?

Have a great week and an even greater 2009!!!



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