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GKN Weekly Update 1/10/11

Hello to you on this brisk Monday morning! I had a great weekend, the coolest part being the poker tournament I participated in. Out of 42 players, I came in FIRST PLACE! That’s right, I won the whole shebang. Last year I won one hand so my goal was to win two. I overshot. Anyway, we have much to discuss…!

First off, thanks to those of you who visited the GKN blog and checked out the Wibiya Toolbar I installed. Please check it out and tell me what you think. Also, I’d really appreciate it if you clicked on the Facebook “Like” button as well as Tweeting the blog link. A big thanks to fellow GKN member Amy Ricalde for recommending Wibiya!

OK, here is the deal with Red Dead Redemption. Yes, I am in the video game. No I am not in the “Undead Nightmare” add-on. My character Benton Manning is in two locations. He is in Benedict Point guarding Moses (“Stay away from them animals!”). He is also in Blackwater as part of the “Great Men are Not Always Wise” encounter. He’s on the roof with John Marston shooting at the bank. He goes into the bank with Marston and battles the bandits. You can hear screaming phrases like “Heretic!” during the gun battle. It’s hilarious!

I’ve been thinking about getting a Good Karma Network logo. Would any of you like to try and design one? If I get multiple designs, we can hold a contest and the logo with the most votes will become the official one for the GKN. What do you think?

TIP OF THE WEEK: Here’s Part Two of Goal Setting 101!

Last week I said I’d walk you through my goals and how I came up with them. First I’ll talk about the annual goals, and next week I’ll talk about the action plan I use to achieve said goals.

I break down my annual goals into five categories as taught to me by the esteemed Dan Duckworth of Voiceovers Unlimited: Finances, Technique, Tools, Marketing, and Health.

Finances: this one is pretty simple, make more and spend less! I looked at my monthly income & expenses from last year and adjusted them to do a little better this year. Make your Cash Flow goals challenging but realistic.

Technique: this one is about becoming better at my craft. This includes not only the quality of voice but my knowledge of the industry. Seeking a coach, reading publications, following trends etc. are ways to improve your technique.

Tools: This is the material stuff like my website, demos, swag, and sound equipment. Set goals to acquire and/or increase the quality of your tools.

Marketing: This is all about getting my name out there. Joining online networks, attending networking events, and writing a blog (like this one!) are ways to improve your marketing.

Health: this pertains to physical, mental, and emotional health. Staying in shape, being sharp, and being happy! Like Finances, make these goals challenging but realistic.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Include yourself among those you love. from the book “Conversations with God”

STUFF!: The big story for the past week has been about Ted Willams and his “rags to riches” journey. There have been some very heated debates concerning this story amongst my voiceover colleagues. I’m not going to get into the parts about him being a substance abuser with seven kids and an extensive arrest record or the fact that the “Good Samaritan” who videotaped Mr. Williams waited five days to release it on a slow news day to get more publicity.

It does bother me that Mr. Williams landed gigs for Kraft, MSNBC and the Cleveland Cavaliers not because he earned them, but because he is the latest “Sneezing Panda”, “Chocolate Rain” or what have you. Would he be where he is right now if he was a homeless accountant doing someones taxes from a cardboard box?

Yes, it’s a heart-warming story, the epitome of the American Dream, and I am not unsympathetic to Mr. Williams. However, my fears are this:

  1. Producers will start asking for the “Ted Williams Sound”, a sound no longer in demand which will have an adverse effect on guys like me.

  2. Even more people will flock to the voiceover industry and further water down the talent pool as well undermine the industry’s integrity & financial structure.

  3. This poor guy will be back on the street in six months and nobody will give a crap because they got their good PR from him and cast him aside.

Feel free to comment, but please keep it civil, folks!

From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…



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