Hello on this chilly Monday morning! Gotta keep this one short, I have a very busy day today…
I had an amazing time at the 2nd Annual Voicover Mixer in New York City over the weekend! Over 200 voiceover talents converged on White Rabbit in the East Village for an evening of networking and fun. I got to catch up with many friends and make some new ones. Thanks to the folks at Voice Talent Productions for putting it all together!
TIP OF THE WEEK: It’s very important to be an active part of your community, whether it’s at work, home, your place of worship, or school. I felt completely isolated until I dived into the Internet, looking for others like myself. It’s great to have peers that you can relate to on a daily basis!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Your best chance of being a rock star is learning the bass. (from the book “Rules for my Unborn Son” by Walker Lamond)
DISCUSS!: How active are you in your community?
Have a great week!