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GKN Weekly Update 3/14/11

Hello and welcome to the Good Karma Network Weekly Update, brought to you by WordPress! This is my first time using it and so far, so good. The new address for the GKN is Please subscribe to the RSS feed or you can read it on WordPress, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, or Yahoo! Groups. On to business…!

My new website is ready! Please let me know what you think and please click on the the Facebook “Like” button.

Project: T.E.R.R.A. is back on track! I finally hunkered down and wrote out all of the comic book panels, which is being reviewed by my fellow 3ative Productions partners even as we speak. Hopefully this draft will be done by the end of the month so we can send it off to get drawn. I’m really hoping Issue #1 will be ready by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

TIP OF THE WEEK: It’s a very good feeling to have completed something. I’m a very results-oriented person so finishing things is very important to me. Unfinished projects are always tugging at the back of my head! That’s why I have a Monthly Action Plan. It puts everything in one place (on a piece of paper that never leaves my desk) so I can refer to it daily. It does make the tugging a bit more insistent, but it makes it easier to plan out my day, week, etc. so I can get stuff done!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Love don’t make things nice. Nicholas Cage in Moonstruck

STUFF!: I saw “Rango” last week with my niece Asha. It was a fantastic film! Most of the verbal humor goes right over kid’s heads. Go see it!

From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…



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