Happy Father’s Day! I hope all you daddys out there got the thanks and fun you so rightly deserve. I always make it a point to wish my mom a Happy Father’s Day since she did the work of two parents. You go, mom!
One of my summer goals is to attend as many networking events as I can and so far, so good. I have some upcoming ones to share if you wanna join in…
Tuesday, June 21 is the MCA-I Wrap Party at the Thomas Edison Museum in West Orange. The deadline to register was last week so sorry about the late notice, but make sure you check out their events when they reconvene in the fall at www.mca-inj.org.
Thursday, June 30 is the Muttini Mixer at the Parsippany Hilton. This is a fundraising event for “Eleventh Hour Rescue” to save dogs from Death Row. You can bring your dog and they will even have a bar for them with treats! Go to www.ehrdogs.org to learn more. I’m going but I don’t have a dog. Does anyone near Parsippany have a dog I can borrow…?
Saturday, July 16th is the New Jersey Young Professionals Summer Dress and Tie Party at Pazzo Pazzo in Morristown, NJ. I think the age limit for their events is 39. Sorry, old people! Go to www.njyp.org to learn more.
Quick question for you audio book narrators: how do you calculate finished minutes based on word length? I think my formula is wrong…
I checked out Thumbtack, an online professional directory. So I joined and it’s an automated way for you to post on Craig’s List. Honestly, every time I have seen someone offer their VO services on Craig’s List the post has been pretty unprofessional and the talent is willing to work for pennies. It’s usually followed up by someone trashing said post. Do you guys think posting on Craig’s list is a good idea?
TIP OF THE WEEK: I always babble about the importance of networking and how critical it is to have a strong online presence. HOW-EV-UH, there is no substitute for meeting people face-to-face. What would you rather be, just another message in an overflowing inbox or an actual human being with a smile and a firm handshake…?
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Don’t focus on numbers; focus on culture. The numbers will come. Anonymous
STUFF!: I watched “Carzy Heart” over the weekend. That’s the film that Jeff Bridges won his Best Actor Oscar for. It was really nice. Great cast, too.
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…
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