Good morning fellow, GKN-arians! That sounds like a disease. “The doctor told me I have GKNaria.” “Does it itch?”
Another crazy week has prompted another half-day today so I can recuperate. 2 sessions in NYC + 2 BSG sessions + 2 other VO gigs + helping out at my friend’s store for about 20 hours this week = pooped!
I was supposed to have a recording session in NYC today but it got cancelled at the last minute. Sort of. Well, about as last-minute as you can get short of being REALLY last-minute. I got word on Friday at around 7PM. The studio was PISSED and apologized profusely. Apparently, this was a major project that involved many different talents doing the same gig in different languages. It was no major skin off my back since I didn’t have to bump another gig to make it happen. Well, actually, I could have gotten more BSG done but I’m trying very hard not to burn out right now, anyway. (BTW I’m almost done recording BSG. Then I move on to the audio book “Game-Based Marketing”)
TIP OF THE WEEK: How many times has this happened to you, whether in VO-land or elsewhere? How did you react? I was bummed but I didn’t have a fit. I realized in the moment that these things happen and I can’t freak out over it. Right now I don’t have the time or energy to spare, anyway so it would be counterproductive.
I’ve noticed that lately I’ve been taking things in stride a lot more lately on two fronts: big things I don’t have control over and stupid little things, specifically accidents. I, like everyone else, drop and break stuff. Not too long ago I was exiting my home studio (aka front closet) and my foot got snagged on the lamp cord in there and the lamp & bulb shattered. I looked at it and said out loud “Well, that happened.” Then I laughed, grabbed a broom, and cleaned it up.
Having perspective in the moment is a REALLY good thing! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my moments (too recently) of not handling bad news, or at least news I don’t like, very well. But taking in stride the little day-to-day stupid things that happen is a lesson we all should learn. The cliche is true, my friends: **** happens.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it. Jonathan Winters
STUFF!: Despite being stupid-busy, I was able to catch three movies this week: Captain America, Suckerpunch (on DVD), and Blade Runner (which popped up on Scy Fy last night). Cap was great, Suckerpunch was, well, I could write an entire blog entry about why it did and didn’t work, and Blade Runner was the “happy-ending with voiceover” version so take that for what it is.
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News.