Happy Labor Day!
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and dry holiday weekend. Wanna know what I did on Saturday? Nothing. Absolutely, positively nothing. It was bliss.
Last week was pretty quiet on the recording front, but that was fine. Hurricane Irene put a damper on all of the projects I’m involved in so I took that time to finish editing “Game-Based Marketing” and get back on track with submitting VO auditions online. I had stopped for a while because my throat has been sore for about a month. I figured it was from all the audio books I’ve narrated this year (thirteen!) and it was catching up with me. For a little while I was concerned that it was my technique or something and maybe I needed an audio book coach. You know what it turned out to be? Allergies! I take Nasonex every morning (because Antonio Banderas tells me to) but apparently the ragweed or some-such has been pretty bad this summer so I started taking Allegra about three days ago and I’m all better. How about that?
TIP OF THE WEEK: If you’re instrument hasn’t been up to snuff lately, ask yourself the following questions:
Have I been warming up properly?
Have I been “forcing it”?
Have been drinking/smoking more often?
Has my diet changed?
Have my allergies been bothering me?
Keep an eye out for these things and any other behavioral/environmental factors you can think of…
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
STUFF!: Here’s another great band you should check out: Ra Ra Riot! This is a great band from Syracuse with a very distinct sound. Here is the video “Too Dramatic”. And if you like that one, check out “Boy”.
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…